"Dominic has the required skill set to bring the state of Connecticut to a place of total trust and confidence in its electoral processes."

May 4, 2022
Dominic Rapini
4 Mariners Way
Brandford, CT 06405-4481
RE: Endorsement of Dominic Rapini for Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Dominic Rapini,
We are pleased to announce that the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Connecticut (RNHA-CT) chooses to endorse your candidacy for Secretary of State of Connecticut.
We have examined your professional accomplishments for the past 35 years in business, government activism and your great interest in public service to bring back the needed trust in our election system. After reviewing your area of expertise on technological infrastructure and your genuine concern for our polling systems. It is understood to us, that you have the required skill set to bring the state of Connecticut to a place of total trust and confidence in its electoral processes.
We believe beyond a doubt that you are the most qualified candidate to uphold our state constitution and bring about a voting system that will enhance our trust for the Secretary of State position beyond the most pressuring issue at hand. So please receive our endorsement as the most qualified candidate to be our Secretary of State. Be known to you that RNHA-CT is and will be encouraging all its base membership and related organizations to advocate for your election.
RNHA-CT wishes you the best of luck in your candidacy and gives you full support so the Hispanic community could rally behind your vision for the position.
Rubén Rodríguez
Chairman RNHA-CT
Carmelo Rodríguez
Vice Chair-RNHA-CT
Richard Rivera
Secretary RNHA-CT
Joel Morel
Treasurer RNHA-CT